What I will Accept/Chances of Accept in Doodle world payment!

Mold or Moss skins, MP’s, etc.

If you are paying with MP Moss/Mold, I will only take 5-6* for full body/illustration, if you are paying with 4* MP then you are only limited to half body and below.

Any Mold skin is accepted, however if you are paying with: Flowery, Captain, Skin Artist, Winter 2022, Halloween 2022, or Summer 2022. You are only limited to half body and below.

Any Moss skin is accepted, however if you are paying with: Seashroom, Traffic, Low Poly, Winter 2022, or Halloween 2022. You are only limited to half body and below.

!! Note the following skins that I said will only be available to “half body and below” MAY change depending if the doodle has a tint, is misprint, etc. if it does have a tint/is mp, it will be discussed if you can commission me to full body/illustration. !!

Tabbolt (or any of its evolution’s) =
Calico, Dog, Punk, Rockstar, Winter 2022

Valentines Day 2023 skins

Anything thats cute and or pink

Anything not cute lol

Event skins (that isn’t VDAY2023 and or moss/mold ones that I haven’t collected)

Tint doodles (w/o skin), however it depends on the stars, and how many tints there is on the doodle

Pvp doodles

!! Note I may accept some event skins, it will be discussed on what you can buy with the event skin you have offered !!